How Impact Bags Can Improve Your Golf Swing

As golfers, we are always looking for ways to improve our game, and impact bags may be just the thing to help dial in our swing.

Golf impact bags, often referred to as smash bags, are essential training aids designed to help golfers refine their swing mechanics and achieve optimal ball contact. These durable, cushioned bags provide a safe and effective way to practice the crucial moment of impact without the need for a real golf ball. By simulating the feel of striking a ball, smash bags allow golfers to focus on their technique, making them an invaluable tool for players at all skill levels.

Silhouette of male golfer in backyard practicing hitting an impact smash bag


Using a smash bag can lead to significant improvements in your golf game. Whether you're working on achieving the correct impact position or eliminating common swing faults like scooping, these bags offer instant feedback that helps refine your skills. With consistent practice, golfers can develop better weight transfer, increased club head speed, and ultimately more consistent ball striking, making smash bags a must-have in any golfer's training arsenal.

You can use any club with an impact bag. Many golfers that use the impact bags will cycle through each club, where others may prefer to only use their irons. Like most things in golf, it’s a matter of preference. Some golfers may find it cumbersome to use their driver on a smash bag, others may prefer to use only their irons and woods. Also of note, many impact bags have an anchor point. So if the bag is anchored and you are using a driver make sure to swing at or below 50% to avoid injury.

What is a Golf Impact Bag?

A golf impact bag is a sturdy, cushioned bag typically made of durable fabric and filled with materials like foam or cloth. It's designed to withstand repeated strikes from a golf club while providing feedback to the golfer. The original impact bag was invented by PGA legend Dr. Gary Wiren, who called it "the moment of truth" in the golf swing.    

 The primary purpose of an impact bag is to simulate the moment of impact between the clubface and the golf ball. By swinging at the bag instead of a real ball, golfers can focus on their technique without worrying about the flight of the ball. The resistance provided by the bag helps players feel the correct position and movement of the club through impact.

Benefits Of Using Golf Impact Bags

The use of an impact bag or smash bag can be beneficial to your golf game in many ways. Being able to slow things down and see why you have that hard draw or slice certainly doesn’t hurt. 

  • Improved Impact Position: One of the main benefits of using an impact bag is that it helps golfers achieve and maintain the correct impact position. This means having the hands slightly ahead of the clubhead at impact, which is crucial for solid contact and consistent ball striking.
  • Reduced Scooping: Many golfers, especially beginners, tend to scoop the ball in an attempt to lift it into the air. An impact bag helps eliminate this tendency by encouraging a downward strike on the ball.
  • Better Weight Transfer: Properly striking an impact bag requires good weight transfer from the back foot to the front foot through the swing. This helps golfers develop a more dynamic and powerful swing.
  • Increased Club Head Speed: The resistance of the bag encourages golfers to accelerate through impact, potentially increasing club head speed and distance.
  • Instant Feedback: Impact bags provide immediate feedback on the quality of your swing. A good strike will produce a satisfying "thud" and minimal movement of the bag, while poor contact will result in a different sound and more bag movement.

How To Use an Impact Bag Effectively

You can use your smash bag at home without causing a serious issue with the neighbors. When you have a few minutes, you can simply break out your impact bag and work on your swing.

You can use any club with an impact bag. Many golfers that use the impact bags will cycle through each club, where others may prefer to only use their irons. Like most things in golf, it’s a matter of preference. Some golfers may find it cumbersome to use their driver on a smash bag, others may prefer to use only their irons and woods. Also of note, many impact bags have an anchor point. So if the bag is anchored and you are using a driver make sure to swing at or below 50% to avoid injury.

  • Set up as you would for a normal golf shot, with the impact bag positioned where the ball would be.
  • Take your normal backswing.
  • On the downswing, focus on leading with your hands and striking the bag with the clubface square.
  • Follow through after impact, just as you would with a real shot.
  • Pay attention to the feel of the impact and the sound produced. A solid strike should feel crisp and produce a distinct "thud" sound.

This makes the smash bag the perfect training tool for people who don’t have the time to hit the range every day – those who live on the go. With this tool, you are able to get some practice right at home whenever you can fit it in.

Smash Bags: Myths, Legends and Truths

Many golfers have the mistaken belief that they need to hit their impact bag as hard as they can to get results. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, that’s a great way to injure yourself.

The best impact bags are designed to help you get a better understanding of your swing, not simply to increase your overall strength. There are drills to increase your swing speed, including regular workouts at the gym or time in at the driving range.

It’s advised that you fill your smash bag to where there is some give to avoid injury as well as swing at half speed/strength. An overstuffed impact bag with a full strength swing is a recipe for disaster.

Training Your Body to Fix Your Swing

A lot of golf is muscle memory and exercise. You need to be in golf shape to have good days on the course. Think about it like doing push ups, if you do 25 every day you will undoubtedly see a difference in both your physique and overall fitness.

Impact bags are like the push ups of the golf world, only they also help you hone in your swing at the moment of contact. If you are a boxer, you are going to use a speed and an eyeball bag to help with hand eye coordination as well as fitness.

The smash bag is based on that same premise. The more swings you get in, the better your overall game will become.

Practice Makes All the Difference

As with any training aid, consistent and correct use is key to seeing results. Any coach will tell you that practice makes perfect and having a tool like the impact bag allows you to practice whenever you want. 

Bruce Lee once said that he fears not the man that knows 10,000 kicks, but the man who practices one kick 10,000 times. It’s the same with your golf swing.

Mastering the moment of contact will take your game to another level. That happens first with understanding what your swing looks like when it connects with the ball.

People try a million methods to fix that pull or annoying draw. So much of it comes back to the moment of impact – the second you make contact with the ball.

With a smash bag you can start to understand exactly what is happening at that moment of contact. You can hit hundreds of buckets at the driving range and still not see what you need to fix.

With an impact bag, you will see precisely where your club head is at that very moment. From there you can start to adjust your swing and hit more fairways and greens.

Something to keep in mind is that many of the best impact bags out there have an anchor point. Why does this matter?

Because by blocking the bag from forward movement it will either break left, right or stay straight up against the object (a thin pole works best) you have used to anchor it with.

You want the smash bag to stay in position once you have made contact with it. If it is breaking left or right then you need to adjust your swing accordingly to accommodate.


So much of your game can be transformed by understanding the moment of impact. The result is increased accuracy and distance on your shots, as well as improved muscle memory.

An impact bag can help in many areas of your golf game. From improved muscle memory to visualization of your golf swing at the moment of contact, the best impact bags will certainly help to take strokes off your score card – if they are used correctly. Many think that it’s important to hit the bag as hard as possible to increase strength. That’s most likely a result of the terms impact bag and smash bag, they sound like a heavy bag in a boxing gym. The point of a smash bag is actually to increase your accuracy on the down swing. In order to get best results you should swing much slower and and less than half of full power. The point of an impact bag is to slow things down to the moment of contact so you can better understand what’s happening with the club upon impact. Once you can see what you are doing wrong, you can adjust the angle upon which the club head connects with the ball.

Impact bags, when used correctly in practice, will help you perfect your swing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, impact bags can and will help you take your game to the next level.

Whether you are just looking for a simple smash bag to work on muscle memory, or want one of the best impact bags on the market to really dial in your swing – there are plenty of options out there.

Definitely don’t be shy when it comes to perfecting your game, every tool you can get your hands on is important when it comes to taking strokes off your score card. 

Keep in mind that since many impact bags require the golfer to fill them on their own, you will need to make sure your smash bag is filled to the appropriate level for best results. Remember not to overfill your impact bag and swing at around 50% of full strength for best results and to avoid overdoing it.