Returns Policy

Return Policy

In the rare case you need to return your item, we are here to help you. Orders can be returned within 30 days on the purchase date and buyers will be responsible for the return label/cost, which they can purchase at UPS or USPS.

What am I able to return?

As long as the item is in it's brand new condition, you can return it to us within 30 days. If the item is used and not in the new condition it was purchased in, there will be a restocking fee. Depending on the damage of the item, a restocking fee can vary between 10% to 50%.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing your order only IF your order has not been processed. No order is deemed canceled until you receive an email from Golf Circuit confirming that your order has been canceled. If you attempt to cancel your order and it has already been processed, a return of such order would fall under the Golf Circuit Return Policy.

Damaged or Defective Items

If you receive a product that was damaged during shipping or is defective, please keep the item, do not alter it in any way and contact us at and inform us of the type of damage or defect.  

Golf Circuit will also require pictures emailed to us that shows the defect or damaged item so we can share this information with our manufacturers for quality control purposes. A replacement item will be shipped out immediately upon review and approval from management of the damaged or defective item pictures.

Returns Address

Return can be sent back to the following:

59 Field Street

Building 24

Torrington Connecticut 06790